The Generations Ensemble...
Years ago I had an active small group that I called A Collective Directive, I put it together with the hopes of the nature of the band being a reflection of my idealistic title. I wanted everyone to have an equal say, provide music, direction, etc. We released a record under the same name that I was very excited about and felt honored to play with the musicians on the recording. We played lots of concerts throughout the Boston area and recorded the disc in the church where I ran a longstanding concert series. This was a great learning experience for me. Many years later I’ve put together a similar band which varies in size based on my musical endeavors and interests and I call it the Generations Ensemble. I’ve begun to write a good deal more and am trying to use the group as a vehicle for my new compositions as well as works by other writers that I respect and truly love. it’s also been an opportunity for me to work with some of my dearest friends whom I’ve had the pleasure of performing with around the world for many years in addition to including some of my amazing former students who have now gone on to make an incredible impression on the music world in their own right. We’ve been performing quite a bit this summer and I’m truly inspired by our collective musical energy. All the musicians bring an incredible wealth of creativity and input not to mention incredible playing. It’s a gift at the moment and I’m just trying to ride the wave and enjoy every note. We play at the BLACKBOX Theatre in my new hometown of Franklin, MA this evening and I’m excited for a few great gigs in VT in August and September in Burlington, Westmore and a grand appearance with a Latin Sextet version of the band headlining the STOWE JAZZ FESTIVAL on September 6th!! Good things…